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OptiPillows FDA Cleared Reusable Anti-Snoring Nasal Pillow EPAP Mask

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    Purchase OptiPillows FDA Cleared Reusable Anti-Snoring Nasal Pillow EPAP Mask

    SKU: OptiPillows-OPTIKT OptiPillows FDA Cleared Reusable Anti-Snoring Nasal Pillow EPAP Mask


    What Causes Snoring? During sleep muscles & tissues around the throat relax and settle toward the back of the mouth. This causes obstruction of the upper airway which leads to snoring. Tired of waking up throughout the night due to snoring? Need a comfortable solution that you can live (sleep) with? That's why we created Optipillows EPAP Mask. It works like a CPAP mask, but without the tubing and machine. Optipillows also requires no power source.